Los Angeles Radiant Barrier Installation

Learn more about our Los Angeles radiant barrier installation from our experts, here at Tip Top Insulation. We will work with you to understand and get the best radiant barrier insulation installation for all your insulation needs, whether new insulation projects or retrofits.

We install radiant barrier insulation usually in attics, right under the roof, to help your home reflect sunlight. This helps keep your home a lot cooler in the warmer months and more comfortable. It also helps you to save on your energy bills.

We provide long-term, real solutions that increase your home’s sustainability and protect your family throughout the year.

What Is A Radiant Barrier?

A radiant barrier or foil radiant barrier has a reflective surface that bounces away the sun’s rays and reduces the radiant heat that enters your home. Yes, we use a radiant barrier in your attic, just underneath the roof. A radiant barrier is effective at reflecting 95% of radiant heat. ‍

Los Angeles Radiant Barrier Installation

We strongly recommend installing radiant barriers in Los Angeles when your house is under direct sunlight throughout the year or if the rooms and living spaces underneath the attic space become unbearably hot during the day.

How Los Angeles Radiant Barrier Insulation Work

Our radiant barriers and reflective insulation systems work by reducing radiant heat gain. To be effective, the reflective surface must face an air space. Because dust accumulation on the reflective surface will reduce its reflective capability, we ensure your Los Angeles radiant barrier installation is aligned to minimize dust accumulation on the reflective surface.

When the sun heats a roof, it’s primarily the sun’s radiant energy that makes the roof hot. Much of this heat travels by conduction through the roofing materials to the attic side of the roof. The hot roof material then radiates its gained heat energy onto the cooler attic surfaces, including the air ducts and the attic floor.

Our radiant barriers reduces the radiant heat transfer from the underside of the roof to the other surfaces in the attic. They work best when it is perpendicular to the radiant energy striking them. Also, the greater the temperature difference between the sides of the radiant barrier material, the greater the benefits a radiant barrier can offer.

Our Los Angeles radiant barrier insulation options are more effective in hot climates than in cool climates, especially when cooling air ducts are located in the attic. Some studies show that radiant barriers can reduce cooling costs 5% to 10% when used in a warm, sunny climate.

The reduced heat gain may even allow for a smaller air conditioning system. In cool climates, however, it’s usually more effective to install more thermal insulation than to add a radiant barrier.

Types of Radiant Barriers Insulation in Los Angeles

At Tip Top Insulation, we offer Los Angeles radiant barrier installation depending on your needs and the available options on the market today.

These types include:


For your Los Angeles radiant barrier installation needs, we often use the radiant barrier foil, particularly aluminum, to block the radiant heat. This material works by using its shiny, metallic properties to reflect thermal infrared radiation.

It also has low emissivity, which is the measurement used to read an object’s ability to produce infrared energy. Often available as; single-sided foil, foil-faced roof sheathing material, double-sided foil with reinforcement, foil-faced insulation, or multi layered foil systems.

Silver (Chips)

Also called radiant barrier chips, this type of thermal barricade for homes typically uses silver as its main reflective component. These ‘chips’ can be ideal for attics or roofs with unique designs, thanks to their relatively small dimensions.

In turn, we will help you place these barriers in hard-to-reach strategic places to help reduce the heat gain in specific areas.

Plywood (Sheathing)

Often called radiant barrier sheathing, this type of heat shield generally uses plywood or engineered wood panels attached to thin yet reflective aluminum layers. The use of radiant barrier sheathing may help reduce the temperature of the adjacent space by up to 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

Effectiveness of Our Los Angeles Radiant Barrier Installation

Our Los Angeles radiant barrier installation solutions delivers optimal heat reduction when it’s perpendicular to the solar radiation that hits it. Also, the higher the temperature gradient between the opposite sides of the radiant barrier, the higher the reduction benefits that a barrier can deliver.

It’s good to note that the installation of radiant barriers are more effective in hot regions than in cooler climates, particularly if the attic has cooling air ducts.

Research shows that done well, radiant barrier sheathing installation saves between 5% and 10% of your energy bills when used in a warm, sunny climate. This can significantly improve the energy efficiency of your home.

What’s more, the low heat gain may eradicate the need for an elaborate air conditioning system, thus, saving you more on energy costs once again.

Benefits of Professional Los Angeles Radiant Barrier Installation

Our radiant barrier insulation solutions provides a wide range of benefits for your insulation projects, including;

Types Of Radiant Barriers

  1. Reducing your utility bills and maximize the energy efficiency of your home
  2. Making your home more comfortable, especially during the warm season
  3. Improving the performance of your air conditioner
  4. Non-toxic, thus contributing to a healthier environment
  5. Complementing your current insulation to boost thermal efficiency.
  6. Not a favorite for pests and rodents because of its inorganic composition
  7. Our Los Angeles radiant barrier insulation solution are not affected by humidity

Value of Los Angeles Radiant Barrier Installation in the Attic Space

Is attic radiant barrier worth it? Well, as an experienced radiant barrier installation company in Los Angeles, we believe attic radiant barrier benefits are certainly a game-changer when it comes to keeping your home comfortable.

The benefits include:

  1. Blocking sunlight from heating up your attic space
  2. Reducing the carbon footprint of your home
  3. Lowering your monthly cooling costs
  4. Preventing harmful condensation from forming in the attic
  5. Maximizing performance and longevity of your HVAC system
  6. Complementing other attic insulation solutions

Which Is Better: Insulation Or Radiant Barrier?

As an experienced Los Angeles radiant barrier insulation contractor, we would advise you to get both. Installing a radiant barrier with another insulation is like getting the best of both worlds. When you install both, you maximize your insulation benefits, energy savings and your family’s comfort. ‍

Radiant barriers are your home’s first line of defense against the sun’s rays. It is powerful in reducing radiant heat and restricting conductive heat flow. In simpler terms, a radiant barrier decreases the sun’s heat that penetrates your home and is not very good at transferring heat but excellent at deflecting it. ‍

On the other hand, you cannot do away with insulation. Insulation seals your attic from pollens, allergens, mold spores, and other threats. While it does let some heat flow, it still slows it down before reaching your living spaces and rooms. Radiant barriers complement and reinforce insulation this way.


No. R-values apply only to solid insulation or to insulating systems that control heat flows other than radiation. Radiant barriers use emissivity E-value or thermal emittance is the ability of a surface to radiate or emit energy in the form of long wave electromagnetic radiation.

It is represented by a value from 0 to 1. The closer the value is to 1, the less effective the surface is at impeding radiant heat transfer. Say a material has an emissivity of 0.72. Thus, when that material is heated above the temperature of surrounding surfaces, it will tend to transfer 72% of its heat energy by radiation.

A radiant barrier reflects the sun’s rays away from your home, preventing your insulation from becoming another heat source. It keeps your house cool and your cooling costs at bay.

In addition to the primary use of radiant barriers to supplement your attic or wall insulation, there are other ways that you can use them around the house. For instance, you can use barriers as insulators for water pipes, hot water tanks, and wrapping ducts.

They are helpful because they reflect heat away from surfaces.

Well, shingles over a radiant barrier only heat up by an additional 2 to 7 degrees more than shingles that are not covering a barrier.

This minor increase is insignificant as roofing systems generally can handle temperatures well over the maximum temperature they reach in real life. Moreover, many shingle manufacturers even warranty their products over a barrier.


More information about Radiant Barriers